Saturday, October 26, 2013

U1e3 - el 28 de octubre - el 1 de noviembre

Monday is Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) day!  We will read a bit and then make our videos on El cuento de Guillermo.  (¡Una persona que lee es una persona contenta!)

martes, el 29 de octubre: we will review possessive adjectives and family and learn the months of the year and how to say dates in Spanish.

All week we will review the material from Unidad 1 etapa 3.  Note that the test on this unit has been postponed to Thursday, October 31.  Happy Halloween!!  Treats after the test!!

Outline for test:
Test on Unidad 1 etapa 3
Know all vocab from the handout
Be able to spell the numbers from 0-30
Be able to spell the months of the year
Be able to write the dates
ex. el tres de octubre
el primero de noviembre
Know the conjugation of the verb tener
yo tengo, tú tienes, él tiene, nosotros tenemos, ellos tienen
Be able to interpret a family tree and write about relationships. (ex. Paco is Pedro's brother, Paco es el hermano de Pedro)
Know your possessive adjectives: mi, mis, tu tus, etc. (my, your...)

1) Click the link below to review the numbers from 0-33 and play the games.

2) Click the link below to review the numbers 20-100 and play the games.

3) Practice the verb tener

4) Another game with tener

5) Click the link below to review family members and play the games.

6) Another game on la familia - Rags to Riches. How much money can you win?

7) Learn the months of the year:

8) Practice the los meses del año by playing hangman.

9) Go to and do flashcards and student workbook for Unidad 1 etapa 3.

Friday, October 18, 2013

U1e3 el 21 - 24 de octubre

We are currently working on Unidad 1 etapa 3.  There's a lot of vocabulary in this unit:  numbers 0 - 100, the irregular verb tener, vocab related to la familia,ages and birthdays (months of the year).  We will also learn the  possessive adjectives.

lunes, 21 de octubre:  Preparation for oral presentation.  Be sure to bring your photo to class!  Be sure to write your sentences at home over the weekend.  I will correct them in class on Monday.

miércoles, 23 de octubre:  oral presentaion day!

You are going to describe the person in your picture according to the following criteria:
1. Name & relationship to you
2. Age
3. Eye color
4. Hair color
5. Three descriptive adjectives
6. Clothing (include two articles of clothing and colour)
7. Likes (two verbs)
Your Spanish sentences must be ready for correction on Monday, October 21.
If you draw  your picture, the Spanish should not be written on the same paper as your drawing.

jueves, 24 de octubre:  quiz on tener  and la familia.

Test on Unidad 1 etapa 3 will be on Wednesday, October 30.
Outline for test:
Test on Unidad 1 etapa 3
Know all vocab from the handout
Be able to spell the numbers from 0-30
Be able to spell the months of the year
Be able to write the dates
ex. el tres de octubre
el primero de noviembre
Know the conjugation of the verb tener
yo tengo, tú tienes, él tiene, nosotros tenemos, ellos tienen
Be able to interpret a family tree and write about relationships. (ex. Paco is Pedro's brother, Paco es el hermano de Pedro)
Know your possessive adjectives: mi, mis, tu tus, etc. (my, your...)

1) Click the link below to review the numbers from 0-33 and play the games.

2) Click the link below to review the numbers 20-100 and play the games.

3) Practice the verb tener

4) Another game with tener

5) Click the link below to review family members and play the games.

6) Another game on la familia - Rags to Riches. How much money can you win?

7) Learn the months of the year:

8) Practice the los meses del año by playing hangman.

9) Go to and do flashcards and student workbook for Unidad 1 etapa 3.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Unidad 1 etapa 3 el 15-18 de octubre

Homework over the long weekend:  Finish the booklet (pages 2 - 6) that we started in class and study for Tuesday's test.
The vocabulary test on Unidad 1 etapa 2 (see previous post) has been postponed until Tuesday, October 15.
After the test, we will start working on Unidad 1 etapa 3.  We will be covering numbers from 0 – 100, months of the year, birth dates, ages, and vocab related to the family.  We’ll also cover possessive adjectives (my brother, your sister, etc.)  A vocabulary list will be given to students.  Students must learn all vocabulary from the vocabulary sheet.
el viernes, 18 de octubre Quiz on numbers 1)You will have to count from 10-20 and by tens to 100.   2) You will need to say in Spanish a random number that I point to between 11-100. 3)  You will need to write down the 10 numbers that I dictate to you.  eg.  I say “cuarenta y cuatro” and you write “44″
At some point, there will be a prueba (quiz) on the verb TENER (to have).  Study this verb well!
An oral presentation will be assigned on Wednesday for presentation on Monday, Oct. 21:
You are going to show the class a photo of a family member or friend and describe the person in your picture according to the following criteria:
1.  Name  & relationship to you (ex.  Es mi tía Ana./ Se llama Ana y es mi tía.)
2.  Age
3. Three descriptive adjectives
4.  Eye color
5.  Hair color
6.  Clothing (include at least one article of clothing and colour)
7.  Likes (2 or 3 verbs)
Your Spanish sentences must be ready for correction on ___TBA___

Test for Unidad 1 etapa 3 will likely be on Thursday, October 24.  But don't stress about that right now.  Just come to every class and participate 100% and you will get most of your learning done in class.  Remember that reviewing your vocabulary every night for 10 - 20 minutes will keep you ahead of the game:)

Friday, October 4, 2013

U1 e2 7 - 11de octubre

There will be a Dictado on Monday, October 7.  See previous post for the exact expressions.
Last week, students learned the vocabulary from Unidad 1 etapa 2 related to clothing and colors.    This week, they will learn how to describe people's eye and hair colour.  They will also learn a variety of descriptive adjectives.  (They will get a vocab handout on Monday.)
On Friday, October 11, there will be a multiple choice test on all the vocabulary related to this etapa.
Be sure to study all the vocabulary from your handout on this etapa.  The test will be tricky if you don't know your vocabulary well.

The main themes are:  clothing, colours and descriptive adjectives (tall, short, big, little, etc.)

Here are some games that will help you review:
Ropa y colores:
definite articles:
all vocabulary:

Also go to  Try flashcards and online workbook.  The online workbook is found once you click on "Student tools".