We are now working on Unidad 1 etapa 1. You need to know all the vocabulary from this unit. Don't forget that you can click on my link on the right to "classzone.com" to get straight to the activities and flashcards related to our text book.
We will continue to review "Ser" and the subject pronouns. (see the ppt below)
Quiz on most vocab from the unit (you have the words written in your notebooks and you will also be given a handout/study sheet) will be on Friday, Sept. 27.
Your Chapter Test on Unidad 1 etapa 1 will be on Tuesday, October 2
Unidad 1 etapa 1 test:
1) Know all vocab from vocab review sheet or page 45
2) Know the verb “Ser” to be – to say where people are from
ex. Marta / Colombia
Marta es de Colombia.
3) Be able to say who people are based on pictures
ex. Juan es ________. (policía)
4) Say what people like to do based on pictures
ex. A Teresa le gusta nadar. (Know the verbs and know how to spell them!)
5) Answer questions ex. ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿De dónde eres? ¿Te gusta comer? etc.
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